Methodical exhibitions, art events and student exhibitions


The pedagogues participating in the project, like no other, know how important the culture of personality and the general baggage of a student is. Therefore, due to their involvement and, in particular, to Mr. Anatol Ghimpu, an impressive number of methodological exhibitions were held in order to bring back into view and reveal what the Academic School is and its traditions through the example of Moldovan, Romanian and Russian Masters.

With the help of Mr. Anatol Ghimpu, canvases of such magnitude were exhibited as:

  • Philip Malyavin
  • Fedor Bronnikov
  • Leonard Turzhansky
  • Evgenia Maleshevskaya (student of Ilya Repin)
  • Vasily Polenov
  • Alexey Savrasov
  • Konstantin Korovin
  • Robert Falk
  • Petre Achiţenie
  • Alexey Vasiliev
  • Ilia Bogdesco
  • Mihai Grecu
  • Igor Vieru
  • Leonid Grigoraşenco
  • Ada Zevin
  • Valentina Rusu-Ciobanu
  • Emil Childescu
  • Olga Orlova
  • Glebus Sainciuc
  • Eleonora Romanescu and many others.

Another page of the exhibition activities of the participants in the project was the promotion of the students' works and their study successes. In this sense, countless thematic exhibitions have been made, the most significant being: the exhibition in the Gallery of the National University of Arts in Bucharest; the exhibition at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Chisinau; plenty of exhibitions in different counties of Romania, such as Gorj, Sibiu, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Iași; the exhibition in the rarest architectural creation of Alvar Aalto – Säynätsalo Town Hall, Jyväskylä, Finland; exhibition at the National Museum of Art of Moldova; the exhibition of Anatol Ghimpu and his students the Confession at the “Constantin Brâncuși” Exhibition Center, Chisinau and many others.