The Mondriaan Fund's Art Purchase Scheme


With the KunstKoop, private individuals can purchase art in instalment from more than a hundred galleries spread across the Netherlands without having to pay interest. If you take out an interest-free loan via the KunstKoop, you do not pay the total amount in one go, but you repay in monthly instalments. The Mondriaan Fund pays for the interest. 100% art & 0% interest. Since 1997, more than 48,900 buyers have made use of the KunstKoop and bought more than 158 million euros worth of works of art.

  • The scheme applies to works of art (minimum price 750 euros) made after 1945 by living artists.
  • The loan amounts to a maximum of 7,500 euros per work of art. If the artwork costs more, the buyer pays the remaining amount himself.
  • The deposit is at least 10 percent of the price, with a maximum of 450 euros. Higher deposits apply for works with a cost price above 7,450 euros.
  • The term of the loan is a maximum of three years. Early repayments can always be made at no extra cost.
  • The buyer pays at least 22.50 euros per month in repayment.
  • ABN AMRO determines whether the loan is granted. Testing and registration of the loan at the Credit Registration Office (BKR) in Tiel are part of the procedure.
  • Art in circulation such as serigraphs and lithographs must meet the requirements known to the gallery owner.
  • Two limits cannot be exceeded: the scheme applies to private individuals aged 18-75.

KunstKoop in four steps:

  1. You decide to buy a work of art from Academic Traditions Gallery / Fine Art Room.
  2. You conclude a purchase agreement with us and make a down payment.
  3. Then send the loan application form to ABN AMRO. This informs you whether the loan has been granted. If this is the case, sign the loan contract.
  4. ABN AMRO will then pay the total amount of the loan directly to Academic Traditions Gallery. The interest on the loan is paid for you by the Mondriaan Fund to ABN AMRO.

If you would like more information about the KunstKoop and calculate the repayment amounts for a specific work of art, click here.