Абрам Ансхелевич Маневич (Abram Anshelevich Manevich)


Abram Anshelovich Manevich (November 25, 1881, Mstislavl, Mogilev province - June 30, 1942, New York, USA) - Ukrainian and Belarusian artist, master of landscape.

Features of the work of the artist Abram Manevich: in his works Manevich tried to reveal the deep energy of things and, at the same time, demonstrate their decorativeness. The aesthetics of his pictorial language was formed from the achievements of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, it contained both the innovation of modernity and the achievements of the Ukrainian realistic school of painting. The artist most preferred to paint landscapes, created a number of remarkable urbanistic works saturated with light shadows and sunlight, extremely harmonious in color and compositional solution. Stained glass dark contours of branches and tree trunks - one of the remarkable features of his works.