Leonid Viktorovich Turzhansky


Born into a family of a doctor. He received his initial art education at the Yekaterinburg Real School (1889) from the artist N.M. Plyusnin. In 1895 he attended the private workshop of L. E. Dmitriev-Kavkazsky in St. Petersburg. At the same time he studied at the Central School of Technical Drawing of Baron A. L. Stieglitz. In 1896-1897 he studied at the Stroganov School of Industrial Art. In 1898 he entered the MUZhViZ, where he continued his education under the leadership of A.M. Vasnetsov, A.S. Stepanov, then from 1904 - in the workshop of K.A.Korovin and V.A. Serov. He was awarded silver medals for drawing and sketch from life. In 1903 and 1905 he traveled to the North: along the Sukhona, the Northern Dvina and the Kola Peninsula. In 1907 he was released from the School with the title of non-class (free) artist.